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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/07/21 Work - Service - Worship James Majors N/A Sun PM 110721_JMajors_WorkServiceWorship.mp3
11/07/21 Vain Toil Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 110721_GBremseth_VainToil.mp3
10/31/21 The Unchanging Lord Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 103121_GBremseth_TheUnchangingLord.mp3
10/24/21 Love Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 102421_GBremseth_Love.mp3
10/24/21 The Whine From Israel Aaron Howes N/A Sun PM 102421_AHowes_TheWhineFromIsrael.mp3
10/17/21 Tough Love Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 101721_GBremseth_ToughLove.mp3
10/17/21 How to Grow the Church James Majors N/A Sun PM 101721_JMajors_HowToGrowTheChurch.mp3
10/10/21 Science and the Bible: Job's Science Lesson, Part 2 Steve Byrd Science and the Bible Gospel Meeting 101021_SByrd_ScienceAndTheBible_JobsScienceLessonPt2.mp3
10/10/21 Science and the Bible: Creation Steve Byrd Science and the Bible Gospel Meeting 101021_SByrd_ScienceAndTheBible_Creation.mp3
10/10/21 Science and the Bible: The Flood Steve Byrd Science and the Bible Gospel Meeting 101021_SByrd_ScienceAndTheBible_TheFlood.mp3
10/09/21 Science and the Bible: Science in the Old Testament Steve Byrd Science and the Bible Gospel Meeting 100921_SByrd_ScienceAndTheBible_ScienceInTheOldTestament.mp3
10/09/21 Science and the Bible: Job's Science Lesson, Part 1 Steve Byrd Science and the Bible Gospel Meeting 100921_SByrd_ScienceAndTheBible_JobsScienceLessonPt1.mp3
10/08/21 Science and the Bible: Authenticity of the Bible Steve Byrd Science and the Bible Gospel Meeting 100821_SByrd_ScienceAndTheBible_AuthenticityOfTheBible.mp3
10/03/21 The Christian Race Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 100321_GBremseth_TheChristianRace.mp3
10/03/21 Is There a Hole in Your Holiness? James Majors N/A Sun PM 100321_JMajors_IsThereAHoleInYourHoliness.mp3
09/26/21 Staircase to God Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 092621_GBremseth_StaircaseToGod.mp3
09/19/21 Where is Your Joy? Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 091921_GBremseth_WhereIsYourJoy.mp3
09/12/21 The Prison of Man Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 091221_GBremseth_ThePrisonOfMan.mp3
09/12/21 Faithfulness and Fidelity James Majors N/A Sun PM 091221_JMajors_FaithfulnessAndFidelity.mp3
09/05/21 Sons and Heirs Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 090521_GBremseth_SonsAndHeirs.mp3
09/05/21 ...and now a Word from our Sponsor! James Majors N/A Sun PM 090521_JMajors_AndNowAWordFromOurSponsor.mp3
08/29/21 Confidence Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 082921_GBremseth_Confidence.mp3
08/22/21 Simon the Sorcerer Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 082221_GBremseth_SimonTheSorcerer.mp3
08/22/21 Intentional Godly Living James Majors N/A Sun PM 082221_JMajors_IntentionalGodlyLiving.mp3
08/15/21 Proverbs: The Fool of Proverbs Gil Bremseth The Book of Proverbs Sun AM 081521_GBremseth_Proverbs_TheFoolOfProverbs.mp3

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