

Displaying 26 - 50 of 485

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/15/24 Serve One Another James Majors One Another Sun AM 091524_JMajors_ServeOneAnother.mp3
09/08/24 Make Your Heart Thankful: Be Not Anxious Mike Stepke N/A Sun AM 090824_MStepke_MakeYourHeartThankfulBeNotAnxious.mp3
09/08/24 Be Strong, Have Courage James Majors N/A Sun PM 090824_JMajors_BeStrongHaveCourage.mp3
09/01/24 Greet One Another James Majors One Another Sun PM 090124_JMajors_GreetOneAnother.mp3
09/01/24 The 46/10 Rule Aaron Howes N/A Sun PM 090124_AHowes_The4610Rule.mp3
08/25/24 Edify One Another James Majors One Another Sun AM 082524_JMajors_EdifyOneAnother.mp3
08/18/24 Bad Men of the Bible: Balaam Brady Bates N/A Sun PM 081824_BBates_BadMenOfTheBibleBalaam.mp3
08/18/24 Become Full of Love Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 081824_GBremseth_BecomeFullOfLove.mp3
08/11/24 The Place of Pasture James Majors N/A Sun PM 081124_JMajors_InThePlaceOfPasture.mp3
08/11/24 The Gospel Cliff Notes Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 081124_GBremseth_TheGospelCliffNotes.mp3
08/04/24 Farewell James Majors N/A Sun PM 080424_JMajors_Farewell.mp3
08/04/24 The Four Horsemen of the Spirit Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 080424_GBremseth_TheFourHorsemenOfTheSpirit.mp3
07/28/24 What's In a Name? Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 072824_GBremseth_WhatsInAName.mp3
07/21/24 Measurement Aaron Howes N/A Sun PM 072124_AHowes_Measurements.mp3
07/21/24 Fear Not! Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 072124_GBremseth_FearNot.mp3
07/14/24 Quiet the Heart James Majors N/A Sun PM 071424_JMajors_QuietTheHeart.mp3
07/14/24 Faith, Hope, Love Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 071424_GBremseth_FaithHopeLove.mp3
07/07/24 Emancipation Proclamation Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 070724_GBremseth_EmancipationProclamation.mp3
07/07/24 The Most Common Phrase James Majors N/A Sun PM 070724_JMajors_TheMostCommonPhrase.mp3
06/30/24 As His God, So Is The Worshipper Gil Bremseth N/A Sun AM 063024_GBremseth_AsHisGodSoIsTheWorshipper.mp3
06/23/24 Application of the Work of the Holy Spirit Gil Bremseth The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit Sun AM 062324_GBremseth_ApplicationOfTheWorkOfTheHolySpirit.mp3
06/23/24 Abiding in Christ Mike Wooten N/A Sun PM 062324_MWooten_AbidingInChrist.mp3
06/16/24 He Will Convict the World Gil Bremseth The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit Sun AM 061624_GBremseth_HeWillConvictTheWorld.mp3
06/16/24 Commitment James Majors N/A Sun PM 061624_JMajors_Commitment.mp3
06/09/24 The Work of the Holy Spirit Gil Bremseth The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit Sun AM 060924_GBremseth_TheWorkOfTheSpirit.mp3

Displaying 26 - 50 of 485

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