Bible Classes

Bible Classes

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/28/20 Struggles of a Christian: Commitment Gil Bremseth The Struggles of a Christian Wed Bible Study 102820_GBremseth_TheStrugglesOfAChristian_Commitment.mp3
10/27/20 Intertestamental Period - The Pharisees and Sanhedrin James Majors Intertestamental Period Tues Bible Study
10/25/20 The 4 Gospels: Lesson 13 - Jesus Answers Those Who Said They Would Follow Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 102520_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_JesusAnswersThoseWhoSaidTheyWouldFollow.mp3
10/18/20 The 4 Gospels: Lesson 13 - Jesus Traveling to Jerusalem Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 101820_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_JesusTravelsToJerusalem.mp3
10/14/20 The Struggles of a Christian Gil Bremseth The Struggles of a Christian Wed Bible Study 101420_GBremseth_TheStrugglesOfAChristian.mp3
10/13/20 Intertestamental Period - Hasmonean Rulers Part 1 James Majors Intertestamental Period Tues Bible Study
10/11/20 The Four Gospels: Jesus' Brothers Advise Him to Go to Judea Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 101120_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_JesusBrothersAdviseHimToGoToJudea.mp3
10/07/20 Struggles of a Christian: Situational Ethics Gil Bremseth The Struggles of a Christian Wed Bible Study 100720_GBremseth_TheStrugglesOfAChristian_SituationalEthics.mp3
10/06/20 Intertestamental Period - "People who know their God" - Part 2 James Majors Intertestamental Period Tues Bible Study
10/04/20 The 4 Gospels: Lesson 12- Forgiveness Gil Bremseth N/A Sun Bible Study 100420_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_Forgiveness.mp3
09/30/20 The Struggles of a Christian Gil Bremseth The Struggles of a Christian Wed Bible Study 093020_GBremseth_TheStrugglesOfAChristian.mp3
09/29/20 Intertestamental Period - "People who know their God" James Majors Intertestamental Period Tues Bible Study
09/27/20 The 4 Gospels: Lesson 12- Duty to a Brother Who Sinned Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 092720_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_MyDutyToABrotherWhoHasWrongedMe.mp3
09/23/20 Struggles of a Christian Gil Bremseth The Struggles of a Christian Wed Bible Study 092320_GBremseth_TheStrugglesOfAChristian.mp3
09/22/20 Intertestamental Period - The Apocrypha James Majors Intertestamental Period Tues Bible Study
09/20/20 The Four Gospels: Lesson 12, Causing a Brother to Stumble Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 092020_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_CausingABrotherToStumble.mp3
09/16/20 Struggles of a Christian Gil Bremseth The Struggles of a Christian Wed Bible Study 091620_GBremseth_StrugglesOfAChristian.mp3
09/15/20 Intertestamental Period - A Tale of Two Antiochus James Majors Intertestamental Period Tues Bible Study
09/13/20 The 4 Gospels: Lesson 12 - Degrees of Punishment Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 091320_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_Lesson12_DegreesOfPunishment.mp3
09/09/20 The Struggles of a Christian: Having the Right Attitude Gil Bremseth The Struggles of a Christian Wed Bible Study 090920_GBremseth_StrugglesOfAChristian_HavingTheRightAttitude.mp3
09/08/20 Intertestamental Period - Ptolemaic and Seleucid Kingdoms James Majors Intertestamental Period Tues Bible Study
09/06/20 The 4 Gospels: Lesson 12 - The Disciples Refuse to Let Others Cast Out Demons Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 090620_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_TheDisciplesRefuseToLetOthersCastOutDemons.mp3
09/02/20 Struggles of a Christian Gil Bremseth The Struggles of a Christian Wed Bible Study 082620_GBremseth_StrugglesOfAChristian_Lesson4_Q7-1599992226.mp3 090220_GBremseth_StrugglesOfAChristian.mp3
09/01/20 Intertestamental Period - Kingdom of Greece James Majors Intertestamental Period Tues Bible Study
08/30/20 The 4 Gospels: Lesson 12 - Child-like-ness Gil Bremseth The Four Gospels Sun Bible Study 083020_GBremseth_TheFourGospels_Matt18_ChildLikeNess.mp3

Displaying 401 - 425 of 524

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